Start your life.
Social Security number
A Social Security number (SSN) is an important national identification number for taxation, credit cards, and many other purposes. Here we provide information on whether and how an RU international scholar can get an SSN.
Overwhelmed by the US healthcare system? Don’t worry! Here we provide useful information and tips on navigating the US healthcare system as an international scholar.
Secure your finances.
Bank account/credit card
Getting a bank account/credit card can be much easier than you imagined - click here for tips!
Filling out a tax return is one of the most important parts of financial life in the US. We have collected suggestions and experiences from our community. Stay tuned!
Plan for the future.
Visa and immigration
We are working on putting together information about visa and immigration from our community. Stay tuned!
RIGS provides only informal advice and does not offer any formal financial counseling. RIGS is not liable for any outcomes resulting from the implementation of our advice.
Tell us about your experience and advice!
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